Our Next Event

Don’t forget that we will be in the garden of The Silver Fern public house, (The Silver Fern, 19 Warsash Road, Warsash, Southampton) on Saturday 04 June from 13:00 to 18:00. Prices for this event will be £3.00 per head for a 10 minute game, and £5.00 per head for a 20 minute game. (Team battles will be as per our normal pricing.

Additional events in May and early June

Battlefield South can now confirm that we will be holding our first events inside the city limits of Portsmouth. These events will take place on the 31 May 2011, and 02 June 2011 at the Medina Primary School, Medina Road, Cosham, Portsmouth. PO6 3NH. Again both of these events will be pay to play with the prices again held at £4.50 for children (under 16) and £5.00 for adults per game. Timings for these two events will be 12:00 to 16:00.

 For more information email info@battlefieldsouth.co.uk  or call 023 9238 2406 or  01489 885886

Next event

We are please to confirm that Battlefield South will be in The Silver Fern public house garden on the 28 May 2011 and 04 June 2011. This will be a pay to play event, with costs fixed at £5 for adults and £4.50 for children (under 16 years of age) per game. Activities are planned to start at 13:00 hours and finish at 18:00 hours. For more information email info@battlefieldsouth.co.uk or call  023 9238 2406 or 01489 885886.

Coming Events

After a busy Easter weekend we are looking to hold several pay to play events over the end of school term, (end of May). If you would like more information send us an email to info@battlefieldsouth.co.uk and we will email you the details as we have them.            

Welcome to Battlefieldsouth.co.uk

Welcome to our new website. We hope to provide you with all the information you need regarding our service and the equipment we use. Over the coming months we will be adding news of events, new weapons and more to the site. Check back regularly to see when we are holding walk up events in and around Hampshire.

Coming soon – We are working on a membership package which will offer discounts to those who would like to take part on a regular basis. As a member you will receive a membership pack and various discounts on games and merchandise. Keep your eyes peeled for whats coming in the near future.

Our gallery section is the place to check out images of recent events. We will endeavour to upload them as quickly as possible but please bear with us as we are very busy.

So what do you think of the new site? Anything missing? We would love to hear from you, so why not drop us an email on info@battlefieldsouth.co.uk and give us some feedback.

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