June & July Photos
Posted by Mark | Filed under News
We are now pleased to announce that we have managed to get some photos together for the Gallery (June & July 2011). Our apologies to all those who have been waiting very patiently for them, and even more apologies to those we haven’t been able to include.
On a separate note, don’t for get that our next public event will be at the Companion Dog Show, Tuesday 02 August 2011, on Southsea common, Portsmouth. We hope to see as many of you as possible as it is a good cause and the show will be well worth the visit.
For more information on the show click here
Companion Dog Show
Posted by Mark | Filed under Next events
Battlefield South is delighted to confirm that they will be attending the Akita rescue and welfare, Companion Dog Show on Tuesday 02 August 2011. The Show is to be held on Southsea Common and runs from 10 am (10:00) until 5 pm (17:00).
Apart from the dog show there are many other attractions such as bouncy castles, and stalls so there is plenty for the whole family. For more information about the show and the wonderful work of the charity go to www.akitarescue.org.uk
To play Battlefield South on the day we are offering the same price as Armed forces weekend of £3 for a 10 minute game with unlimited ammunition and lives and £5 for a 20 minute game with unlimited ammunition and lives.
So if you would like to see what Battlefield South is all about or just visit the show and browse the stalls, please come along.
For more information on events call 01489 885886 or email info@battlefieldsouth.co.uk
You must be 8 years old or over to play and physically capable of carrying the equipment for the duration of the game. Our standard terms and conditions will apply.
The Armed Forces Weekend
Posted by Mark | Filed under News
What a stunning weekend on Southsea common.
As always our armed forces put on a marvelous show, with all kinds of attractions and displays from regulars, reserves and veterans alike. Additionally the chance to catch up with old friends was not lost on many of the veterans, (least of all me). I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did and will join me in saying a big hand to the organizers, it was a good job well done, (but what else would one expect from you all).
Many thanks also to those of you who came over to the Battlefield South arena and either had a go or just had a look in. Our apologies for the delays, and thank you for your patients, (on two very hot days). We did try to ease the wait for equipment by offering shows such as, “watch the sleeping lad get covered in camouflage cream”, (it had been a very long weekend for him), and “who’s next to be painted”. The latter having so many volunteers, it made the queue longer.
We hope to be posting the few photos we managed to take, (as we just didn’t get time to take many) as soon as we can. However if you have some you would like to see on the site please call 01489 885886 or send them to mark@battlefieldsouth.co.uk and we will see what we can do.
So from all the staff of Battlefield South thank you and look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Medina Primary School Fete
Posted by Mark | Filed under Next events
Battlefield South is delighted to confirm that they will be attending Medina Primary School Fete on Friday 01 July 2011, at Medina Primary School, Medina Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 3NH.
The fete starts at 3:00 pm and will run until 5:00pm
To play Battlefield South on the day we are offering a special price of £3 for a 10 minute game with unlimited ammunition and lives and £5 for a 20 minute game with unlimited ammunition and lives.
So if you would like to see what it’s all about or just visit the fete, please come along.
For more information on events call 01489 885886 or email info@battlefieldsouth.co.uk
You must be 8 years old or over to play and an indemnity form will need to be signed. (Children under 16 will need the form to be signed by a parent, guardian or adult with parental responsibility for that child.) Our standard terms and conditions will apply.
Coming events
Posted by Mark | Filed under Next events
Just to inform you all, that we will be attending the Armed Forces Weekend (02 and 03 July 2011) on Southsea Common. Portsmouth. We hope to have a 25m x 25m arena and will be running pay to play games. Watch this space for further information, or email us at info@battlefieldsouth.co.uk and ask to be placed on our mailing list.
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